President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, today presented letters of credence and instruments of commission to two envoys, one to Libya and the other to Niger, tasking them to work to insulate Ghanaians from the insecurity in those states.

Dr. Samuel Adotey Anum leaves for Libya, whilst Mr. Jonathan Rexford Magnussen goes to the Republic of Niger.

They swore the oath of allegiance, official oath and oath of secrecy.

At a short ceremony at the Jubilee House, Accra, President Akufo-Addo said the pair, are “eminently fit to represent Ghana in their respective places of accreditation”, to work to safeguard and promote the image and interests of Ghana.

He charged them to guard jealously the image of Ghana, and work to strengthen the ties between the nation and thier countries of assignment.

Noting the growing insecurity in Libya in the Maghreb and Niger in the Sahel, President Akufo-Addo told the envoys that that situation required that they take all the necessary measures to protect the interest of Ghanaians in those counties.

He said as representatives of country with good standing in the comity of nations, and in the sub-region, they should leverage on thier experience to find a lasting solution to the myraid of challenges in thier areas of operations.

The President charged them to support all efforts to eliminate the activities of terrorists and extremists in the Maghreb and Sahel.

According to him, as the representatives of a member State in good standing of the regional body ECOWAS and the Continental body, African Union, they are to help extend the solidarity of our nation towards helping find a lasting solution to these problems and also help protect Ghanaians who may be catch up in the crisis.

Mr Magnussen thanked the President for the confidence reposed in him and his colleague, and pledged that they would rise to the challenge, work to promote Ghana’s image, and protect the interest of Ghanaians.

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