Mr. Isaac Kwame Asiamah, Minister of Youth and Sports has promised the members of the Ghana Football Association (GFA) as they held their ordinary Congress in Prampram Accra, saying government have plans to renovate all traditional football venues in the country.

The Member of Parliament for Atwima-Mponua Constituency, who spoke at the 26th ordinary Congress is hopeful sports infrastracture in the country will be improved to help the development of the game.

According to the Minister, he would cut sod on September 4 for the commencement of the Nkawkaw Stadium, and subsequently the Sekondi Gyandu Park, the Konongo Waterloo Park, the Swedru stadium, Tamale Kaladan Park, Kpando Park, and the Sunyani Coronation Park, have all been earmarked to receive massive renovations soon.

He said the original design of the stadium had been changed to meet the needs of the modern trends of the game.

“The Nkawkaw Stadium would now have a FIFA Standard pitch, athletics oval, changing rooms, and over 5,000 seating capacity.
“After this we shall move to other venues i have mentioned to bring them back to life since these venues brings good memories and also revive the passion of the nation.
“These are not mere talks. We are committed to making these things a reality because sports strives on infrastructure and we are determined to execute that,” he added.

Mr. Isaac K. Asiamah Minister of Youth and Sports, has called on embers of the Ghana Football Association (GFA) to protect the image and sanctity of the game.
“You are all stakeholders in the industry and must do everything possible to ensure the sacntity and intergrity of the sport.

“Branding is not the effort of one person, but the collective efforts of all hence you must do your best to protect your image. As the President of the GFA said earlier, this is the platform to voice out your grievances.

“The Congress is the platform to share your probelms and solve them,” Mr. Asiamah made these reamrks at the 26th Ordinary Congress of the Ghana Football Association (GFA).
He said the President of the GFA Mr. Kurt Okraku has over the past months demonstrated intergrity and transperancy.

“This was also reflected in the speech delivered by the president and i must commend him for that,” he added.

Source: Sportsnetgh

The Minister of Youth and Sports, Isaac Asiamah has called on football administrators to protect the image of Ghana Football in order to secure sponsorship from corporate bodies.

Ghana football in recent time have struggled in terms of sponsorship deals and according to the Minister, it will be prudent for football people to do away with the negative comments about the game in the quest to improve the game.

Speaking at the 26th Ordinary congress of the Ghana Football Association, he said, “My advice to you all is for you seek to the wellbeing of our beautiful game. We must protect the sanity, integrity and image of the game”
“The image of the game must be protected because when you damage the brand it will affect you.

We must make it more attractive so we can get sponsors” he said.

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